This is our behind the scenes core team that makes Eco Interpreters work from within.

Tamara Cortés González, PhD

Overall Internal Coordination & Vision

Armando Moya Ruiz

Project & Communications Management

Marta Abalia Vélez de Mendizábal

Project & Communications Management

Chloé Berthelon

Interpreting Project Management

Renzo Lara Pérez

Interpreting Project Management

Joan Manel García

IT Support
eco-conscious professional interpreters who are part of the network
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Volunteer opportunities

Get to know us a little more

We are delighted about any volunteer who wishes to support our mission with their personal skills and knowledge. 

Conference interpreters, translators, web designers, copywriters, storytellers, journalists, fundraisers, video editors, photographers, role models of regenerative initiatives, advisors of all kinds and anyone else who would like to collaborate with us is more than welcome to get in touch with us. 

Together we are stronger!

"If you want to go quick, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

African Proverb